Custom Portrait Photograph Tips
—Photographs should be taken against a plain, solid background.
—Stand eye level with the person you are photographing. Make sure they’re positioned sideways on to you and that you can only see one of their eyes.
—It's best to have the person face straight forward so that their neckline is natural.
—With children, having someone stand in front of them, holding up a toy can be helpful.
—Make sure the whole of the head is clearly in shot.
—A closed mouth makes for a more classic look. Smiles can look sweet (and are also more than welcome!) but please keep in mind that smiles probably won’t look the same once silhouetted.
—Long hair (below the shoulder) looks best tied up. However, if you'd prefer it down then please pull it back away from the shoulder.
—If there’s a random flyaway hair that you would rather wasn’t incorporated into the piece, please make a note when you send the photograph.
—If you have a photograph where you love the face profile, but prefer the hair from another shot, we can use both. However, please limit the photos to no more than two per person.
—Make sure the photograph has good lighting. Daylight is preferable.
—It’s really important that the photograph is clear and not blurry.
—Please send the highest quality that you can.